Gratitude & Giving Back: Reflections on 2020

Gratitude & Giving Back: Reflections on 2020

For the last several years, we've made it a tradition to spend the month of December reflecting back on the year that was. In addition to our successes and the challenges we faced, we dedicate time to thinking through what we are grateful for. In a year that had us deeply concerned about whether or not our business would 'make it', watching friends, our community, and the world at large struggle in ways we never imagined, and the underlying uncertainly that seemed to be the defining characteristic of 2020, we're overwhelmed by how truly blessed we've been.

While members of the LONE CONE team had run-ins with COVID, we're thankful that everyone recovered quickly and completely. While we experienced significant disruptions to our supply chain in the first half of the year, we were able to diversify our manufacturing capabilities and resume production.

To have survived 2020 comes as a bit of a surprise -- and is a huge relief, of course. But more so than that, everything we've been through reminded us just how grateful we are to be in a position to give back and help those most in need. Doing good in our community has always been a part of LONE CONE's culture. In 2020, however, we asked ourselves how we can do even more.

So far this year, LONE CONE has donated over $15,000 in product to community relief charities and conservation organizations working to serve the greater Idaho region. Recipients included Payette Head Start, United Way of Idaho, Meagher Preschool, as well as Idaho Outfitters and Guides Association, and Backcountry Hunters & Anglers.

We also gave cash donations to several groups that provide much-needed programming to kids in and around Boise who may have lost access to school-based athletics and other social or daytime care opportunities due to Coronavirus closures: Care-ousel Therapeutic Riding, Boise Little League, and Bogus Basin (our local non-profit ski resort).

When we launched our line of comfortable, reusable face masks earlier this year, we decided to donate 5% of profits to Boise Learning Lab, an education center for adults and families with young children that provides literacy education, including reading, writing, math, and English curriculum. Our "little sister" company, Foothill Toy Co, took a page from this book, as well. A portion of proceeds from every Foothill Toy Co purchase is being given to the Children's Museum of Idaho, whose mission is to bring children, families, and the community together to engage in learning through creative play.

While volunteering in person was more challenging this year, we still managed to help out the Boise River Enhancement Network. We donned masks and gloves and spent a sweaty-yet-satisfying August day restoring habitat at the site of the future Middleton River Park. Home to 92 species of birds and many other kinds of wildlife, our team removed trash, barbed wire, and invasive weeds from the banks of the Boise River. We also wrapped native trees in chicken wire to protect them from damage from some particularly busy beavers.

As 2020 comes to a close, we're beyond grateful for what we have: an incredible community, the ability to give back in ever bigger ways, and a renewed commitment to making a positive mark on the world we share. We are all in this together, and for that, we are so, so glad.