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DIY "Catch a Kiss" Valentine Game

Posted by Kelsey McCormick on
We work with some insanely talented mamas and are so excited to share this Valentine DIY with you! Honestly, when we asked our Ambassador Addie, if she’d like to do a guest blog post we knew it would be incredible but she still blew us away! If you’re not already familiar with her, head over to Instagram and give her a follow. She’s constantly sharing creative ideas like this to do with your kiddos. Needless to say - we’re big fans! Enjoy!

Hi Friends! I’m Addie!! I am 
Mama of two and DIY blogger over at @twolittletaylors on Instagram. Like so many people, I have found myself at home more than I ever thought was possible. With a 3 and a 5 year old that means getting really creative with our time. From new books to lots of make believe we’re making the most of these moments together.

Since this year’s Valentines celebrations will be a little different I decided to add a little extra fun to our plans. Together the kids and I created a game to pair with one of our favorite books for this time of year. “Catch a Kiss” by Deborah Diesen is the sweetest story about how Mama kisses will always find their babies no matter what they have to go through. I know right?! Gets me every time.

We had the best time turning the traditional Pin the Tail game into a Catch a Kiss version perfect for any Valentine's celebration. Below I will share the steps to recreate this at home with your littles. Happy Love Month everyone!

Catch a Kiss in Your Hand Game
Poster Board
Craft roll (Mine was from the Target Dollar Spot)
Printer paper
Double Stick Tape
Lip Coloring Sheet

Heading is optional. I used my Cricut but you could choose sticker letters or cut your own with cardboard.

Step 1

Have your child lay down so you can trace their arm on craft paper. Cut

Step 2

Glue down the sweet reaching arm onto the poster board.

Step 3

Print off the lip coloring sheet and color them in together

Step 4

Cut out the lips and adhere the double stick tape to the back

Step 5

Blindfold your sweetie and send them on their way :)

I hope you enjoy this activity and find a way to celebrate the small things everyday!

-Addie, @TwoLittleTaylors

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