Boise #PayItForward Challenge

I was recently honored to be nominated to join the #PayItForwardChallenge by Jessica Flynn of Red Sky Strategic Communication. We've been working with the United Way of Treasure Valley and this is the perfect time to share the plans that have been underway! We donated over 500 of our lunch boxes and they've turned them into toddler activity and learning boxes for several local child care centers. Kids are needing activities and learning materials now more than ever, and from what we've heard they are beyond excited to be getting these items and in such a cute container!
But we thought we'd take this challenge one step further and treat some local heroes that we're extremely grateful for right now - our local firefighters. They show up every single day (and night) to make sure our community is safe. With everything going on we wanted to show our appreciation. Check out the video below to see some of our own Boise Girl Scouts delivering everyone's favorite cookies to the heroes of Station #5!
And I'm keeping this challenge going to see what some of my good friends and community partners can do to lift some spirits. I nominate Conrad Ball of Washington Trust Bank, and Brad Frazer of Hawley Troxell to keep this incredible challenge going!